Jual Gas Air Mata Model Korek Api

Gas air mata model mancis mudah di bawa ke mana - mana dan model nya umum.

Di gunakan untuk membela diri khususnya wanita.

Bahan organik alami tidak beracun, tidak mudah terbakar, dan ramah lingkungan.

Bila terkena semprot maka menyebabkan mata terasa sangat perih, tersedak, batuk, dan mual.

Harga : Rp 195.000,- / unit

Kode barang : T-G03

1)Cigar lighter shaped self defensive tear spray

2) Providing you with the element of surprise against an attacker

3) Natural organic ingredient is non-toxic, non-flammable, and environmentally safe

4) Enables you to defend yourself while keeping a safe distance from an attacker

5) A one second burst to the face will cause temporary blindness, choking, coughing, and nausea- bringing an attacker to his knees

6) The potency of this spray enables it to bring down even the most aggressive assailants

Sprays up to 2-3m with an accurate stream

7) Size: 82x21x12mm

* Note:

1) Strictly forbidden to joke around people, only used in danger, if it gets, please rinse with plenty of water

2) Self defense ONLY, NOT for illegal use

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