Jual Gembok Alarm Pengaman Rumah, Toko, Ruko dan Motor

Jual Gembok Alarm Pengaman Rumah, Toko, Ruko dan Motor
Gembok alarm mempunyai bunyi (Bila gembok di gerakkan / digoyangkan) dengan radius sampai 100m sangat berguna untuk mencegah dari pencurian motor, mobil, rumah, toko, gudang, dll.

Cara bekerja:

Gembok ini bisa bekerja sebagai gembok biasa, dan apabila baja yg berbentuk U ditarik kemudian diputar/ dibalik dan dimasukkan lagi maka akan bekerja sebagai alarm, dan apabila gembok di goyangkan akan menimbulkan bunyi yang sangat keras.

Harga : Rp 125.000,-/unit

( Kode barang T-G02 )

Product Description

The characters of the lock:

1. The lock body and the alarming function are united into a whole. The lock pole adopts the reverse type by two sides.

2. The alarm power supply is directly fixed in the lock body, which is safe and do not cause any damage to the battery and the circuit of the lock.

3. The lock body will automatically send out the alarming sound at once while suffering the shake which overcomes the weakness that the whole vehicle is being stolen without alarm...

4. It is extensively used for every kinds of vehicles. Houses and warehouses etc.

Usage directions:

1. Insert the key into the key hole, then insert the side with slot of the lock pole into the lock hole, in this way, it will be locked and sounds "Du"which means it is coming into the alarming station after 15 seconds. When the lock body is vibrated, it needs 5 seconds to vibrate again then gives an alarm. (delay for 5 seconds to alarm makes sure the owner to open the lock without alarm or in order to avoid alarming by mistake), and it will keep alarm with seriate shake. Each alarm costs ten seconds, it will return to original alertness 35 seconds later after finished alarm. In another hand, it will not alarm while insert the side without slot of the lock hole into the lock hole.

2. If replace the battery, first, please pull out the lock pole, spin out the two screws inside the key, then takes out the lap and the battery, you can replace the battery in this way.

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